December 31, 2023

Cooperativa del Latte, Italy

Neo Italian prog



Latest album: Fogli d​’​Acqua Sparsi (2023)

OK, this is getting crazy. But in this case, here's a group who only released one album back in 1998, and completely disappeared... until now. And the new album was released back in July! To think I used to keep up with all new releases - like in 1996 haha.

Il Risveglio (1998)

Two months after the return of Cooperativa del Latte, their debut album came up for collection review. I don't think I've heard this since first acquiring the CD back in 2000. The album definitely belongs to the 90s Italian prog renaissance. Comparisons to Aria Palea, Germinale, Malibran, and Finisterre wouldn't be out of place. CdL are little bit more focused on retro instrumentation, in particular the keyboards (organ, analog synth, piano). However it's also a bit more tepid in its approach. The meter shifts are more carefully studied, the vocals are more subdued, the rhythms are less complex. The electric guitar has a 90s tinge to it. On the flipside, the use of flute and acoustic guitar add much to its 70s authenticity, which is a plus. Final track is also quite beautiful. Given its place in the Italian prog timeline, this one is worthy of further exploration.


12/31/23 (new entry)

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Corima, USA-Texas / California

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