September 27, 2017

Humus, Mexico

News: Humus is still kicking around, and playing live shows in their native Mexico. I haven't heard any of their output since 1999's Whispering Galleries. The scan above represents their 2014 comeback album Wheel of Malarkey, and I believe they have more than that, at least online. I need to get on the stick here.

Location: Mexico City

Overview: Humus started as a rather primitive space rock group, and evolved into something highly complex, while never losing their fierce psychedelic edge. In the end, they combine two of my favorite styles: Space rock and Canterbury fusion. Like a meeting between Sensations' Fix and National Health. A brilliant band in my estimation.

UMR Notes


  1. I found by chance the "Whispering Galleries" album at a local record store (yes, they still exist here) two weeks ago. It is somewhat patchy due to the extensive jamming that doesn;t go anywhere. But the sound has that distinctive 90ies mexican acid space vibe, you end up wanting to relisten again and again...

  2. I'm jealous for both the record store and the Humus album! :-) Totally know what you mean about that Mexican 90's vibe.

  3. Clip off their latest album:

    Sounds OK to me, even after such a long sabbatical, LOL!

  4. Thanks Eddie. I'll have to check that out. Seems the style Humus favors is easy to pick right back up on.

  5. Hello, I am Jorge Beltran of HUMUS, and I am so delighted to read your comments, thank you very much for your interest in our music...
    Yes, there is a new album out, it's called HAPPY DAYS AHEAD, you can listen to it here:
    It is available only in digital formats (so far) from itunes, napster, amazon, etc...Hope you find the time to listen to it and eventually grab it...
    You know, there has never been a Humus sabbatical thing whatsoever...we have produced at least ten albums since 2000, but unfortunately none has been released by a number of reasons, however we have posted videos of the songs from many of them in yotube...Anyway the latest is also the freshest, and you can get the credit list here, since the e-stores do not give it:
    Please visit our webpage where we update info constantly.
    Thanks again to you all. Peace.

  6. Thank you so much Jorge for writing in! I really hope you will consider releasing all of your unreleased albums, Happy Days Ahead, and Whispering Galleries on CD! I really do not want to build a MP3 file collection - it's not the same!

    I love your music, and many of my friends do too - we will all buy the CD (or LP). Thanks!

    If you would like - please write me offline and we can discuss maybe a label to release it?



Corima, USA-Texas / California

Zeuhl  Facebook  Bandcamp Latest: Hunab Ku (2025). To be released sometime later this year Yaay - they're back after three years ...