November 4, 2023

Astrakan, England

Canterbury style; Jazz rock



Latest album: Crab Weather (2023). Yet another band that I was unaware was still cooking!

Comets and Monsters (2012)

While the first album stayed completely in the underground, at least Astrakan's latest album Comets and Monsters is slightly more accessible, being readily available from online retailers. Musically the band stray further towards the jazz end of the Canterbury spectrum. Adding female vocalist and keyboardist Celia Lu has defined their new direction. She sings in a higher pitched fashion - perhaps even pseudo operatic at times - similar to Dagmar Krause. But with a Chinese accent. It's a bit bizarre to say the least. I personally wish they'd exploit their rock abilities, but it seems Astrakan are more intent to stay within the jazz idiom. Henry Cow circa In Praise of Learning is a major influence on Comets and Monsters, but without the annoying tuneless improvisations, thus endearing the band more to my tastes.

Astrakan (2008)

Astrakan starts afire with 'In & Out', which possesses a distinct Canterbury sound but completely run amok. The shredding wah-wah guitar left me breathless. Too bad there isn't much more of that psychedelic sound present throughout. Have no fear though, the melodic jazz rock that the Canterbury sound is noted for remains intact. The jazz influence becomes more prominent in the middle of the disc. Sax and organ all get plenty of time to shine. I particularly enjoy their extended use of the latter. It's important to note that Astrakan focus more on composition and atmosphere rather than noisy soloing, thus endearing itself to me. Highlights include tracks 1, 2, 5, and 7.

4/10/11 (new entry); 1/29/13

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like one I'll need to check out. Thanks Tom.


Corima, USA-Texas / California

Zeuhl  Facebook  Bandcamp Latest: Hunab Ku (2025). To be released sometime later this year Yaay - they're back after three years ...