April 14, 2017

Redshift, England ***Inactive***

With the passing of Mark Shreeve on August 31, 2022, it's highly unlikely that Redshift would continue, though it would be possible in this case (unlike the duo of ARC with Ian Boddy), even as a tribute band.

Fan Website

Location: London

Overview: Redshift, in my mind anyway, are the premier Berlin School revivalists from the UK. They started as a quartet led by accomplished synthesist Mark Shreeve, and their blueprint is Baumann era Tangerine Dream. Nobody does it better, and it seems Redshift picked up where Tangerine Dream left off after Stratosfear.

UMR notes

April 5, 2017

Wolf People, England ***Inactive***

News: Wolf People are currently touring Europe supporting their new album, the massively brilliant Ruins, which is one of the best neo psych albums I've ever heard. (last check: Oct 8, 2018)

Location: Bedford, Bedfordshire

Overview: At the beginning of their career, Wolf People were one of the best of the 1971 styled retro prog acts. With their new album Ruins, Wolf People can stake a claim as the best neo psychedelia band going today.

UMR notes

Hellwell, USA-Kansas ***Disbanded***

News: Hellwell's second album is to be released on April 17, and its titled Behind the Demon's Eyes. And Randy Thrasher Foxe is on the drum kit this time! I didn't see that coming. His work with Manilla Road in the 1980s was astounding.

With the death of Mark Shelton, it's presumed this band is no more.

Corima, USA-Texas / California

Zeuhl  Facebook  Bandcamp Latest: Hunab Ku (2025). To be released sometime later this year Yaay - they're back after three years ...