July 8, 2023

Odessa, Italy

Neo Italian prog



Latest release: L'Alba della Civilta (2022). Didn't realize they were still around!

---UMR notes

Stazione Getsemani (1999)

Yet another one of those forgotten Italian prog albums from the 90s. I dutifully picked most of them up as they were released. Listened. Happy. Filed. 21 years later, here we are again, and I couldn't remember a thing about it. Odessa tapped into that unique strain of songwriting that goes with the Italian progressive rock movement. This is not retro at all - the instrumentation screams the era in which it was released. But the composition style looks backwards 25 years, and that's what makes albums like this endearing. As time goes by, many albums from my collection are finding themselves in the sale pile, and yet these 90s Italian prog albums continue to grow in stature. For certain, I'm predisposed to liking them. Odessa is not where you start your exploration into the Italian prog renaissance. But if you're a fan like me, then it should be on your list to investigate.

5/10/20; 7/8/23 (new entry)

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Corima, USA-Texas / California

Zeuhl  Facebook  Bandcamp Latest: Hunab Ku (2025). To be released sometime later this year Yaay - they're back after three years ...