December 22, 2023

Gösta Berlings Saga, Sweden

Post rock; Avant prog; Retro prog



Latest release: Konkret Music (2020). New album slated for 2024

Glue Works (2011)

As mentioned on the Detta har Hänt review, Gösta Berlings Saga seemed to be moving away from their Swedish folk roots and more towards modern post rock. And now they've jumped off the cliff and thrown their lot in with this latter movement. A wall of sound approach, with mid 70's King Crimson and late 90's Anekdoten references everywhere. I'm sure the intensity of playing this music can be quite inspiring, if not emotionally exhausting - but as a listener it can stray towards the mundane after a few minutes of the same pattern. 

All of which sounds like I'm low on this album. I'm not. But given the immense promise the debut demonstrated, it's very disappointing to be here. I do enjoy, however, the Zeuhlish closer 'Sorterargatan 1'.

Detta har Hänt (2009)

Two albums in now, and I can honestly say Gösta Berlings Saga has never written a song that has blown me away. Nor have they played anything I didn't like at all. Strange. A new guitarist is in, but mostly the music has stayed the same from the debut. I'd say the "Swedish-ness" has been removed and that's a step backwards for me. And perhaps the post rock tag could be applied in various places (yawn). There's a certain driving monotony to it all. But again, we're in familiar progressive rock territory for most of the album. It seems they're on the cusp of releasing one of the best albums of the last 10 years, but they hold back just a bit too much.

'Sorterargatan 3' has a nice repetitive groove to build upon, the kind that made some of those classic 70s albums so good (think Magma). Or a modern band like DFA. 'Bergslagen' is closest to the debut with mellotron and a hint of Swedish deep-in-the-forests type melodies and atmospheres. Best track on the album. 'Västerbron 05:30' features some aggressive guitar soloing that I found refreshing. There also seems to be more of an Anekdoten influence (first 2 albums) than prior.

Tid Är Ljud (2006)

Gösta Berlings Saga could be considered the perfect modern Swedish progressive rock band. They look inward towards their own country for melodic inspiration, rather than the UK/US style of groups like The Flower Kings. Second album Kebnekaise is about where they land on the Swedish scale, but Gösta Berlings Saga are far more symphonic than that may imply. They use plenty of vintage instrumentation (as expected, primarily in the keyboard department with mellotron, Rhodes and various Moogs), yet the production and overall sound has a modern sensibility. Gösta Berlings Saga are one of the few groups of our era that do not belong to a current sub-genre, such as post rock, prog metal, neo, avant, retro / proto, jazz/fusion etc... They are, in fact, a straight ahead progressive rock group. They have respect for the 1970s, but aren't stuck in it. This might all seem like we're smack dab in the middle of our interest area, and thus might be a little boring or uninspired. And yet it's not at all that way, proving that the old recipes are generally better than the new concoctions. A pretty new room in an old house.

It's near impossible to pick highlights. All of the tracks are remarkably consistent, though by no means samey sounding. I will also allow that there's no drop dead killer tracks either. 'Helgamarktz' & 'Syrenernas Sång' lay the foundation of what Tid Är Ljud is about and if you like these two, it's highly likely you'll love the rest. 'Aniarasviten' has a stunning melody as its centerpiece, to an overall excellent moody composition. 'Ljud Från Stan' is more of a psychedelic jam rock piece, with fine guitar and Rhodes soloing. Gösta Berlings Saga shines in this setting and are able to maintain the intensity necessary. 'Tog du Med dig Naturen?' & 'Knölsvanen' seem to blow by, without having much impact. They're both fine tracks, and perhaps it's their placement that keeps them from standing out, even on multiple successive listens. 'Svarta Hål och Elljusspår' adds flute to great effect, providing the right soft focus lead instrument Gösta Berlings Saga definitely needs to get to the next level. All in all, a highly recommended album.

6/24/11 (new entry) 

1 comment:

  1. I may be a fan of mid-Crimson period, the early post-rock scene, repetitive noise rock and avant stuff, but "Glue Works" was a disappointment for me as well. Not a bad resord per se, but it's always this in-comparison-to-their-previous state that will hold this album in the shade.

    Not an auto-buy for me anymore, as well.


Corima, USA-Texas / California

Zeuhl  Facebook  Bandcamp Latest: Hunab Ku (2025). To be released sometime later this year Yaay - they're back after three years ...