May 21, 2013

Setna, France ***Disbanded***


Latest album: Guérison (2013)

Guérison (2013)

For my tastes, I feel Guérison is a definite improvement on their debut, though the band still needs to take off the leash a bit. The introduction of Ratledge-styled organ, and fuzz bass, gives the band a cool Canterbury edge. Setna are definitely more of a Zeuhl band now rather than an atmospheric jazz ensemble with Magma trimmings. But they still seem to lay back all too much. Sure would like to see Setna go all-in like Corima or Koenji Hyakkei - at least on occasion. All that emotional build up needs an epic climax... a release of anger.  


Cycle 1 (2007)

If Zeuhl is the genre tag that must be applied, then it's Zeuhl in the same way Offering is rather than Magma. Cycle I is primarily an atmospheric jazz release with soft chanting female vocals. Electric piano, synthesizer, and saxophone are the other primary instruments of choice. Those coming to this looking for ripping Paganotti/Top-styled bass and insane martial Vander-like drumming, will surely come away disappointed. Certainly Setna sit towards the Magma side of Offering (especially as the disc spins on, and the last track features some fine Mahavishnu styled guitar from guest James McGaw), but still the metaphor holds. Ambient jazz Zeuhl.


5/21/13 (new entry)

May 18, 2013

Oxhuitza, Italy

News: It appears the band played live at least once in 2019. Last check: February 15, 2020

Location: Tuscany (not sure the city)

Overview: A mix of 90s neo prog metal and 70s retro prog. Unusual band.

UMR notes

May 17, 2013

Mantric Muse, Denmark

News: Not much happening with Mantric Muse, with a posting of a live concert in 2015 being the last activity. Last check: December 26, 2018

Location: Copenhagen

Overview: Mantric Muse are bread and butter Hillage-era Gong styled progressive rock. For fans of early Ozric Tentacles and Quantum Fantay.

UMR notes

Corima, USA-Texas / California

Zeuhl  Facebook  Bandcamp Latest: Hunab Ku (2025). To be released sometime later this year Yaay - they're back after three years ...